Thursday, 8 December 2016

My Uganda - Japan Festival Experience

The writer with a Japanese cosplay participant 

Festivals have become a norm in Uganda for the past few months such as the Uganda Rolex, the glorious Kampala carnival, the beer festival, the Uganda film festival, the post-independence manufacturers’ festival at the UMA show grounds.

Festival what does it mean in for starters, give me a few seconds to explain before I get back to my festive moods.

Festival refers to a series of performances of music, plays, films/ movies organised in the same place once a year for the public.

Now that what a festival is in order, let’s get back to the Uganda – Japan festival that happened on the 3rd of December being a Saturday.

 Uganda – Japan Festival

An event organised by the Japanese Embassy of Uganda held at the lovely YujoIzakaya Restaurant found on Kyadondo road Kampala.

First things first, we thank the ambassador of Japan to Uganda for allowing this event to happen and of course Yujo Izakaya management and staff for their hospitality.

Now we dive in with activities like food tasting, karate display of splendid skill sets, making origami art crafts, Japanese wine tasting, kanji calligraphy writings and Japanese films.

Who doesn’t love food, if such a question is asked, believe me not but some may just go savage on you over that silly question.

Ramen was on the high look out for many of the goers list if Japanese popular meals to try out, not forgetting the pork soup damn that was yummy.

Witnessing the making of Rice cake blew me away. Boiled rice is pounded down to make the cake continuously till the desired texture is achieved.

Many may believe that is wasn’t tasty but trust me it was worth it.

Wine tasting was my favouring part of the whole event, when we got the chance to sip a few glasses of the famous Saki (a Japanese alcoholic drink made from rice).

There she stood in a colourless short necked bulged bottle just waiting for the drunks of Kampala. Hearing it was Saki I could not hold my tongue but ask for a taste.

Trust me after having about six glasses of it. Waking up to a numb cheeks the next morning isn’t one of my profound moments but so worth it.

Six different Japanese stood right there and a round for all was going to be in order after all this is the Japanese festival. All had to be savoured. Lol

Kanji Calligraphy

This got any one at the festival intrigued and interested in at least finding out what their precious names meant in Japanese.

Graceful as their names were being drawn on paper. The excitement among the on lookers waiting in line was exciting itself.

Murmurs going about what does my name really mean in Japanese got me not only excited but scared as well.

Believe it or not when your name meant death or calamity you should be worried. Not that there was anyone whose name meant that.

Finding out what my name “Hudson” mean was actually scary hoping it is something to be worried about like anyone with a name meaning death or calamity.

If you’re still curious what my name means please leave a comment below
Arigato Gozaimasu ( translates as Thank You Very Much)

Friday, 22 July 2016

How To Restore Your SD card or USB Disk To Full Capacity

In our day to day lives as we get acquainted with our computer skills and work. There is one common syndrome that we tend to face when it comes to removable storage media like SD memory cards, USB flask disk, where the storage is displayed not reflecting what it actually is. Normally you would think you need to buy yourself a new storage stick or card to make your access to your files easy and quick.

Now, am telling you now to bother buying a new memory card or flash driver given your facing this issues of inappropriate drive size allocation. To be able to restore this I will give you these simple steps to follow to restore your card or disk back to full capacity.

Step One

  1. Open "start menu" and type "run" press "Enter"
  2. Type "diskpart" with no space and click "Ok" to open the diskpart window.
  3. Type in "List disk" and press "Enter"to display the disk available
  4. Type "Select disk 1" press "Enter" to select ur disk of interest
  5. Type "Select partition 1" and press "Enter"
  6. Next type in "Delete partition", press "Enter"
  7. Type "Partition", press "Enter"
  8. Type "Clean", press "Enter"
  9. Type "Create partition primary", press "Enter
Note: Never select "disk 0" because if you do trust me you might end up wiping your entire hard disk clean

 Step Two

  1. Open "my computer"
  2. Right Click and select "Format" from the options
  3. Select any file system you wish to format your card or usb to
And voilĂ  there you have in small simple lines of commands. You get to avoid throwing away your once called faulty SD Card or USB disks. 
 Have Fun!

Thursday, 7 July 2016

Eid Celebrations

Eid Mubarak Celebrations in a Christian household
Astonishing that In Uganda, christian families celebrate this day way more than the actual participants mandated to celebrate it more. Over the past years, I have been making my own small time research into this new phenomenon as to why do Christians look forward to breaking a fast they did not even participate in, I wondered. Throughout this time, many folks just love the fact that there will be a lot of eating per say. The one person who will make you learn how to celebrate any important day for feasting is a non-participants in this case scenario my good fellow Christians some not all obviously in the activities before the feast. Make no mistake my brothers and sisters of the Islamic faith you guys do know how to throw a feast and my Christian  friends know how to enjoy a feasting given one.

Some one may ask what exactly is so important about this day. According to the Islamic faith after the long thirty days of fasting and prayers during the holy month of Ramadan, it's a special time for my brothers and sisters of the faith just like the Lent period is to the Christians. As it is during this moment that ones faith and endurance is tested greatly. First, it is a sign of great respect to the Islamic faith for one participate joyfully during this fasting period.

Secondly, it is a moment for one to be able to renew their faith and love for Allah the almighty through penance of ones sin to another and to Allah (God).

Back to the situation at hand Eid Mubarak a day started with prayers to mark the beginning of the new beginning in ones faith. During this celebration, families and friends gather to thank Allah(God) for the many gifts and each person is embraced and invited to join in the feasting. Loads of preparations are made during this joyous moment.Never have I seen any group of people celebrate Eid like most Ugandans and Christians for that matter. The experience here is overwhelmingly great that anyone who can actually look forward to this day will always mark the beginning of the Holy month of Ramadan on their yearly calendar given  the chance. Comprising of lots of food, drinks and most importantly family and friends together sharing light moments. oh when it comes to the food, dear lord have mercy, there is so much to eat one and lots of drinks.

To my brothers and sisters of the faith, Eid Mubarak festival rocks. May the Almighty Allah grant you all your requests and blessings.

Sunday, 3 July 2016

Life of the Fresh Undegraduate

Stand Tall Among The Many
All my life I always wondered how it felt being a graduate student, many may think it is all heaven on earth that you are done with your bachelor's degree but trust me it is just the beginning of your learning process. Why say this? I believe in finishing something once and for all but this is not the case especially if you did a course as dynamic as Information technologies and its related courses. If this is not the most dynamic industry the world has offered to you then probably I am like 200% very wrong with this theory.

You get to finish a bachelor and you have this thought of , "am so done with school", hate to break it to my dear friends in this category. You haven't gotten anything complete yet. Yes you can find a good salaried job with the degree in play or even start up something small with it, but when it comes to information technologies and its various entities such as networking, system administration, programming, computer science, software engineering, database management, information systems and computer engineering all mentioned are not areas that one can just end with an undergraduate's degree but it will call for more work to be done for someone to actually know and recognise you as highly skilled individual in those areas until u master your art of specialisation or generalisation any of these fields and make it a point to be the best at it.

For the above when you generalise in any field you ought to know at least 50% of every entity in play but when you specialise and do professional courses in- line with your interests my brother and sister you are heading in the right direction of success and all it takes is to be determined to be the best at what you are doing and it will be easy for you to build up knowledge and experience in that field and become the better man at every turn. And I believe there are probably two simple steps to achieve this in life;
  1.  Master one skill at a time make sure your the best at it by practicing always dedicate time for it.
  2.  Believe and trust in yourself and GOD for the gift of life and opportunity to be able to do what you do best.

Every undergraduate in the above fields can be the best at anyone of the skills, why would you be trying so hard to looking for anyone's approval just get down on you  legs and stand tall amongst the many in your own unique way like be the outstanding programmer, networking genius, system administrator best there is. But you got to want to be the best and work to be the best at it.

And the rest of the other areas do not think i have forgotten about you but the above steps does work for any other fields not mentioned here no changes at all for they are same basic principles one can use to reach their target goals. NEVER GIVE UP my dear Friends on your dreams however big they are. Baby steps and you will be there enjoying the realities of the once called dreams.

Thursday, 30 June 2016

Life In My Perspective - Leaders, Icons or Role models

In my second part of Life In My Perspective, I would like to say in category one family was my major and first concern. I for one would say the backbone of actually all we do and why we do what we do. This week i would like to enter a new category of people you should be grateful to the leaders/ icon or role models call it want you want but this my friends is a category that one can not ignore given their status or what they have done in their respective positions. Without further ado, lets dive right into it;

Leader/ Icons or Role models

Given your region of establishment or locale of stay be it in Kyoto-Japan, London-England or even down here in Kampala-Uganda in Africa where I live or in the Ohio-USA. These individuals shape what the society can be or become due to their stature in the various capacities.

There are leaders, icons or role models who inspire every individual including you reading this. . We all know how much each of us is inspired by things others do to others. These acts can be bad which shouldn't inspire you to be bad as well but instead to be good, or good deeds for example when you witness a good deed right in front of you, trust me if your mind isn't opened up to such good will, you my friend you need to seek out for assistance from those around you. To be awakened by this kindness of heart you have experienced is emotional, heart warming that is why you get to smile and become happy cause your soul or spirit is over joyed by the event you've experienced at that moment regardless, and to feel nothing at all, that's COLD.

I for one am inspired by these persons who actually can admit to their faults whenever they are wrong, help the underprivileged, the sick, the children, friends and family. Who knew former president of USA Bill Clinton would admit or apologise to the people for his misconduct while in office, who knew that Prime Minister David Cameron would resign after majority of the British population voted to leave the European Union in a referendum. Who knew that H.E J.P Magufuli of Tanzania would actually make such changes. These are individual who are leaders, icons or role models and have managed to get me moving and believing that if they can do what they did at their various capacities, why can't I also do something similar at my own capacity. It makes the difference others can see no matter how small it is. If it can put a smile upon your family and friends' faces, trust me it makes a lot of difference to them in ways you can't possibly comprehend, and bettering yourself to be who the community will learn to respect and admire. A person of interest you can become an inspiration to the young ones, and new icon or even a role model is born.

By now you might ask yourself who inspires you and what moves you be better and also inspire others like you friends, younger siblings or someone else you might not even be aware of their existence. If you can do what it takes make someone smile like many would smile after witnessing a good deed. Just be the kind of person you want your friend or brother or sister to be and you will be on your way to being their role model or icon or as a leader of the pack. 

Wednesday, 29 June 2016

Life In My Perspective - Family and Friends

When I wake up every single day, I wonder whether I am actually worthy to be awake. Believe me I know the kind of thoughts you all reading this might be having right now. But rest assure I think you've also asked yourself the same question for quite sometime, and you kinder get this weird sensation of doubts flowing in your big chunk of a mind. Nevertheless I want you to start by telling yourself you are worthy of every short of the day for as long as your find yourself waking up everyday for the next i don't really know how long. Simply you have about two categories of people to be grateful to and you ought to see the value in these people that is family and Friends;

 1. Family 

these category is often ignored for all its worth, i keep asking myself why this is so. today I am going to tell you why I think this category is worthy to be mentioned and loved.
This is precisely the very first group of individuals that u will learn the art of to-love or be loved, to care or be cared for, socializing, understanding the difference in human personalities and respectfulness towards all that surrounds you.


This perhaps is the most important aspect in this category for it is the stronghold of any family. man and woman fell in love lets say twenty years ago and the product of this love you and your siblings that is if any, given some are just an offspring. Either way this is your family. mother and son or daughter are bounded by the love the mother exerts to the little one and the same affection and trust is built between the two so strong only that one person can break it. For example those of you who have watched the supernatural series there are these two characters Dean and Sam Winchesters, they have this undying love for each other to a point where they would go to lengths to make sure the other is safe from any sort danger to even signing deals with the devil for the sake of the other to be safe no matter the situation they are in even the other is the cause of the whole predicament. you may think why all this fiction character talk.
Love among best friends is so cute

These blood brothers inspire me never to give up on family and love family no matter what happens good or bad. It may be a joke to many given there are many who have gone through hell with family, totally I understand this because family is the only place u will have to go through all the worst with and never should you allow anyone who is not family to give you hard time. This is a fact, I don't mean to be disrespectful those with families understand this quite well and we the offspring have to understand what love is in a family and what love outside the family cycle feels like.

Think about what we are without family, loners, outcast you name it. That is what we are for sure trust me when I say no ones to be alone even the forsaken or the meanies around no offense. It's human nature.
An African family 

To care or to be cared for

Refers to act of showing you want someone to be well and okay physically and psychologically able in every aspect. And to be cared for is reciprocate that feeling good wishes to another as you one would want to be thought about as well as shown the love. This concept works hand-in-hand with love. For one can not love without caring for some and the reverse is true. 

If at all there is someone out there who can love without caring well given the aspect of intimacy is at bay then I truly have this immense deep thoughts for you.


A lady and two kids enjoy a light moment of joy
In life one needs to learn this aspect of life as it will help pave your way towards your goals. Socialising, an act of getting to know someone new to you by starting up a simple conversation with this person and being able to hold the conversation for as long as you can hold it. Putting in mind you are learning who this person is, how they think, do things, and build a mutual trust depending on how long one develops the trust, care and liking towards this person and this act is most times reciprocated. In case it is not at least you would walk away knowing this in mind (you gave it your best). You can only learn to socialise well from how much you get involved with your family member for it is where one learns this great skill of life. I for one got to know people from talking more with my siblings amazing how one can learn from knowing how to communicate with the little ones especially when you are of different age brackets.
Children sharing a moment with a tab from 

For instance how you start a conversation with kid below ten years isn't the same way you would talk to someone of the same age or fifteen years or even way older than you are. 

Family is one own beginning to successful personality development that will be treasured not only by your immediate family or friends and most importantly yourself. Remember for whatever you do, never forget who your family is biological or not it doesn't matter as long as you feel you are home with a family.